A "milling" future

The Wieshofer Mühle (Wieshofer Mill) is one of the few privately owned mills in Austria. Responsible for this is Lukas Krainz, who, together with his sister Caroline, upholds the family heritage with diligence and pride.

kitzbueheler-alpen-lebenswege- lukas krainz wieshofer mühle© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

The Wieshofer Mühle in St. Johann in Tyrol has been clattering for a long time. Its history goes back a long way. Precious flour was ground here as early as the 12th century. In 1857, the company finally passed into the family ownership of the Wieshofers. Since 2010, Lukas Krainz, son of Werner Krainz, who in turn was the nephew of the childless Johann Wieshofer, has been running the company. But the takeover was anything but easy for the young successor, as Lukas reports in retrospect: "The family situation was difficult, and the business figures were not exactly very favourable.“ Fortunately, he, as a business graduate, was in the right place at the right time with his expertise.

Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege 2023 Lukas Krainz
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege 2023 Lukas Krainz
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege 2023 Lukas Krainz
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

Two siblings. One passion.

"We make no secret of the fact that the demise of mills throughout Austria has had a very severe impact on our business. After joining the EU in 1995, there were only two mills left in the whole of Tyrol at the turn of the millennium. Never before had it been so important to make ourselves irreplaceable on the market with innovative ideas, high-quality products and the best service." However, Lukas didn’t give up and brought his sister Caroline, a great support for the accounting department, into the company. Together they decided against complaining and instead rolled up their sleeves with determination. Lukas and Caroline have long since lost count of the hours of work that have gone into maintaining the Wieshofer Mühle. In any case, it was worth it, as both of them can proudly claim today.

Flour is not just flour

Regionale Kulinarik© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

At the Wieshofer Mühle , years of tradition, state-of-the-art technology, sustainability and personal support flow seamlessly together, and the product range is characterised by regional quality: "We process wheat and rye into flour, whole grain products, bran, wheat germ, natural flours and organic flour for traditional bakers, large bakeries, restaurants, bulk buyers and the small private customer. In the compound feed factory, we produce customised quality products for both large and small farm animals." The raw material, the precious grain, comes exclusively from Austria. Transparency and comprehensible, short transport routes are the priority. "“Flour is not just flour. We originally started with 5 varieties, today we have 30 different varieties." Without a perfect, well-coordinated team, this quality of service would not be possible. "With us, everyone pulls together, knowing they have an important role in the process. Everyone thinks for themselves and gets the best out of their area."

Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege 2023 Lukas Krainz
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege 2023 Lukas Krainz
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Lebenswege 2023 Lukas Krainz
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

Sustainability in all areas

The topic of sustainability is essential for Lukas: “I am very involved in grain cultivation. After all, anyone can mix and match interchangeable goods at will. We, on the other hand, see ourselves as craftsmen, valuing special and unique products and don't want to produce cheap mass-produced goods." In order to work efficiently in all areas, heavy investments have been made in recent years in new forms of energy: Heating is provided by a biomass plant, electricity is supplied by the company's own hydroelectric power plant, and a photovoltaic system is currently being built. So the Wieshofer Mühle is well prepared for a “milling” future.

Sabine Ertl

Sabine Ertl

...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: www.gedankenschmiede.at more details

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