Fit for the hiking season!

Prepare yourself for your hiking Summer in the Kitzbüheler Alps. We have compiled the best 8 exercises for you. more
Rather than striving to maintain constants in life, Lena Koller is attracted to adventure. However, one constant does exist for her – the mountains. They are Lena’s home. Here she explores their routes in every conceivable way: horizontally, on foot and of course on her mountain bike - her reliable companion since childhood.
Lena shoulders her bike along a hiking trail to a beautiful vantage point in the Brixental valley
The Kitzbüheler Alpen are Lena‘s outdoor paradise. “Sometimes gentle, sometimes rough, sometimes exciting – a bit of everything.” Their routes and trails are equally diversified and can be explored by many different means. However, on a mountain bike adventures are really fun. But Lena’s father saw this a long time ago: “Even as a child we went on extensive bike tours. No route was too long, no summit out-of-reach.” At nine years of age she stood at the summit of the Grossvenediger after which many tours followed. Lena still appreciates these values and wants to pass these on to her guests as a qualified mountain bike guide. “It is an emotional moment to part from participants after a very intensive day and to see the pride on their faces for their achievements that day. Some are even surprised at themselves and their enthusiasm is evident. Such experiences make me feel humble and it is clear to me how beautiful life is here."
Mountain biking is a combination of ambition and flow experiences. It keeps you fit while seeing nature from a different perspective and discovering new places of energy. With an unforgettable summit experience and easy-going downhill trail, a challenging climb and the hardships that come with it are easily forgotten. In fact, at the end of the day, Lena is filled with a feeling of happiness and euphoria which she can only find in the mountains. “Home isn’t a place, home is a feeling and I feel at home in the mountains.” Mountains are the constant in the life of the marketing graduate. “On one hand they radiate security and provide a place where I can find myself. On the other hand they will always be somewhat mysterious and unfathomable, characteristics for which I have enormous respect.”
The KAT Bike, a bike trail divided over three or four day-long stages with up to 170 kilometres and over 6,000 metres of elevation, takes you across the mystical mountains, the Kitzbüheler Alpen. Just as the KAT Walk is for long-distance hikers, the KAT Bike is for mountain bikers. Everyday between 45 and 55 kilometres, and a maximum of 2,000 metres of elevation await the cyclists. If you like you can carry your luggage in a backpack or alternatively, if you would rather do without these extra kilos, you should avail of the ingenious luggage transport service – after all, the KAT Bike Trail can be booked as a package. “Therefore your mind is not occupied with having to look for accommodation on arrival but fully devoted to the route, mountains and emotional and physical demands required.” Lena is also aware, “the continuous availability of new technologies is both a blessing and a curse. In addition to all the advantages they bring with them, we should be able to treat ourselves to offline periods.” Based on the slogan, “Keep yourself so busy that you forget to check your phone.” Time on earth is so precious and we should make the most of it doing what we like to do most. “I don’t have to bike five trails per day, constantly striving for higher, further, faster achievements. It’s more about the experience itself, who you are when you’re on the go and how these moments influence you. It’s not primarily about the fame and glory of a summit or stage victory. It’s about much more – that I develop myself further and experience moments in which I can really be who I am.”
Be it on a bike or a rope, on foot or on touring skis in Winter – Lena tests her limits her way – “This is how I experience life best. It’s just cool to discover your own home from a new perspective. I really appreciate that I can live here and integrate mountain sport into my everyday life. I don’t need any more, this is how I want to live.”
...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: www.gedankenschmiede.at more details