Two souls, one passion

For those of you who can't get enough of the unique scenery in the Kitzbüheler Alpen in Summer with the KAT Walk and the KAT Bike programmes, here's more to look forward to: this Winter, the KAT Skitour will provide lots of happy, memorable, snowy moments. This multi-day ski tour, was initiated by the state-certified mountain and ski guide, Tom Rabl, together with the Kitzbühel mountain guides. Tom himself is a mountain enthusiast for as long as he can remember.
Whoever completes his first five-hour hike at the age of two and a half is probably marked for life, in a positive sense. Because for Tom Rabl there has never been anything more beautiful than spending his free time in the nature and mountains of Kitzbühel’s countryside. Together with his parents, they explored the Alps in every spare minute, and basically never went anywhere without hiking boots. The Tyrolean mountains and beyond are Tom's passion for life. At the age of 14 he undertook his first independent, one-week mountain traverse in the Steinernes Meer, a high karst plateau in the Northern Limestone Alps, much to the amazement of many a mountain hut owner. The Dolomites, the Andes, and the Himalayas followed. Whether mountaineering, climbing, ski touring or expeditions, no path was ever too long, no peak too steep, no camp too uncomfortable. It is not surprising that he ultimately moved in this direction professionally, although this wasn’t his initial choice of career. "I found my first foothold in the field of interior design. I worked in carpentry and for the hotel industry. But in his dreams he had another card up his sleeve. And when, one day, he pulled that card, another stage of his life opened up. He completed his training to become a mountain guide and in 2008 founded his Alpine school, "Pure Mountain“. Together with his wife Daniela they stand for genuine mountain experiences in the Alps and around the world.
Since then Tom has been out and about in what is for him the most beautiful place of work, the mountains themselves - a total contrast to his interior design. “I am convinced that today's guests increasingly want to be immersed in nature. Being outdoors, discovering and experiencing the unspoilt and authentic, these are all factors that play a role in the choice of holiday”, the father of three is certain. “Nobody looks for the overcrowded locations anymore, everyone wants to find and get to know the quiet spots, the real insider tips. Here you have this form of soft tourism right on your doorstep. Ski-touring, hiking, biking, regional specialities of culture and cuisine, wanting to explore other living environments."
Tom and his wife offer two comfortable holiday apartments at the foot of the Wilder Kaiser, as a base camp for special mountain experiences. The mountain sport itself leaves little room for other thoughts, says Tom: "When I go on a ski tour, I am focused on the here and now. I have to consider which route I’ll take to the summit, I have to correctly assess the avalanche situation, all this is a creative process for which a lot of knowledge is required". According to Tom, the mountain sports sector is booming. "If you don't find work in this area now, you are doing something wrong. For a long time I had a problem with my neighbours welcoming me as a holiday maker when I returned, absolutely exhausted, after a tour of several days. Today I can laugh about it because it is partly true. I experience so many moments of happiness in my job every day, it's simply the most beautiful place of work you can have. Of course, there are also bad days, but the good ones outweigh them by far". It is these "once in a lifetime" stories, as Tom calls them, that he wants to make possible for his guests, here in the Kitzbüheler Alpen, but also on the various tours he offers worldwide. "People come to us to experience the unforgettable, to make dreams come true, and when you finally manage to do that, emotions are released that are rarely found elsewhere."
From this Winter season, those curious can look for and find real Yapadu moments in the Kitzbüheler Alpen. For on the new KAT Skitour, the Winter equivalent of the KAT Walk, you and Tom go on a journey to deeply snow-covered slopes and snow-capped mountain peaks. “On this multi-day ski tour we will cross the Kitzbüheler Alpen from West to East in one week. We never repeat a route, we discover unspoiled slopes, deeply snow-covered valleys and secluded summits. Nobody has to forego comfort, since superior hotels and accommodation with regional cuisine ensure cosy, comfortable evenings and a luggage transfer service facilitates us travelling with only a light rucksack.” Particularly special on this tour are the alternative days where the freeride areas in Fieberbrunn and Kitzbühel can be explored. “Here we focus purely on the slopes and use the modern lift facilities, experiencing magnificent powder runs that will remain unforgettable for the rest of your life.” So all that remains to be said is: Yapadapaduuu!
...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: www.gedankenschmiede.at more details