The Stoaberg's Primeval Rock

Energetic and definitely not at a loss for humour: Filmmaker and entrepreneur Martin Hautz knows how to skilfully capture the Tyrolean landscape so that his images and films release emotions and awaken desires.
There is a saying that has been circulating on the internet for years: ‘Everyone said it couldn't be done. Then someone came along who didn't know that and just did it.’ Martin Hautz, who grew up in Kirchdorf in Tyrol, could not be more aptly described. Because, as he says himself: ‘I wanted to aspire to everything and I actually did just that." He completed his school education at the age of 15, initially tried his hand as a waiter, but quickly realised that this was not his thing and began an apprenticeship as a stove fitter and tiler. He then worked in the building materials trade for over five years until the doubts began to gnaw at him again. His partner and now wife set the right example, rather unknowingly, when she gave him a camcorder for his sporting hobbies. The first few short videos grew into a real passion that continues to this day.
‘I promptly gave up my secure day job and went to the SAE (Educational Institution) Vienna for two years to complete a Film & Animation course. My wife was initially sceptical: How are you going to make a living with that?’ Martin smiles triumphantly today because the investment and time have paid off. With his video production company „Bildmaterial“ – based in Fieberbrunn - he has been managing customers and commissions in Content Production worldwide since 2009. He has filmed with tennis ace Dominik Thiem as well as with Gerald Salmina, the director of the legendary documentary ‘Streif - One Hell of a Ride’. Martin reflects: ‘Two days a week were reserved for lectures, the rest of the time I was working in Tyrol to raise the necessary money.’ A lack of sleep and many train journeys were an integral part of his everyday life. But the effort has paid off.
His relentless ambition combined with a healthy dose of Tyrolean persistence have led Martin Hautz to where he is today: ‘I wouldn't call it a work-life balance, it's more of a work-work balance. I always give 150 %, analyse the systems closely, always want to know how something works and teach myself lots of tricks.’ His mission is clear to him: ‘To depict real life. 3D animations are cool, no question, but I want real images, real emotions, real experiences. That's what I'm passionate about.’ Martin still sees his work as a craft: ‘Without being in the right place at the right time with the right people, projects like this don't work. My crew is a well-rehearsed team, everyone in the region collaborates, which is a brilliant starting point.’ He also loves the variety in his job: ‘Exciting filming days alternate with office days for editing and post-production, it never gets boring, that's important to me. Everything I do today, I do for my family and my children, that has always been my motivation and always will be.’
Martin makes no secret of the fact that the fast pace of life is not always easy for film productions: ‘Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence. It's creating its own dynamic. But the important thing is which horse you bet on.’ He has no concerns that his work will one day be purely computer-generated: ‘Keeping at it is important, but panicking is not my style.’ To clear his head after a busy day at work, Martin is a trail runner: ‘I had a sport-oriented childhood, I was always on the move and even then I appreciated what a wonderful place in the world I was able to grow up in. Trail running relaxes me and the region around the Kitzbühel Alps with its countless routes is simply perfect for it. Thanks to my job, I've travelled a lot around the world. Australia, Africa, Iceland, Athens and so on. But nowhere is as beautiful as here. It may sound cheesy, but it's the truth.’
...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: www.gedankenschmiede.at more details