The mountains are his EldoRADo

Guido Unterwurzacher and Toni Mosshammer are real mountain children and guide guests along the spiritual routes around the Wilder Kaiser with their Alpine School Rock'n'Roll. An opportunity that really that rocks.
Usually, you can’t choose your neighbours. However, Guido Unterwurzacher's neighbour is a particularly special specimen: a bit rugged at first glance, quite striking and very much sought after. The neighbour is none other than the most famous mountain group in the Eastern Alps, the Wilder Kaiser. Anyone who grows up in such an environment has mountain blood in his veins from childhood. Guido started climbing at the age of ten. From the first second, it was love at first sight: "Like when you throw a fish into water." From then on, from morning to night, everything revolved around new routes, increasing degrees of difficulty and unparalleled records. Today, 25 years later, the enthusiasm has not diminished, but the focus has changed: "Now I have a family, wonderful children and a very fulfilling career. However, my passion for climbing is just as intense as ever."
When Guido talks about his adventures on the rocks, his eyes begin to light up: "When I am connected to the rock, I block out everything else. The most beautiful moments are exactly then when you’re in that famous flow and the only thing that matters is the next step and the next grip. All other thoughts disappear completely. You surpass yourself, and push to your personal limits. It's like a fire that's constantly burning inside you." And hasn’t been extinguished to this day. At the age of 14, Guido was already climbing at the tenth degree of difficulty, followed by numerous first ascents on the Loferer Steinplatte with extreme climber and professional mountaineer Alex Huber. Trips to Patagonia and Pakistan followed. "After every accomplished goal, new beacons featured on my personal horizon, setting more challenges. " One of his personal highlights was the free climibing on El Capitan, a vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park in California. "After that experience it was as if an inner personal circuit closed for me. Today I no longer have the urge to go on big trips abroad, I prefer to look for challenges in my native home. This is like winning the lottery for me.”
His "best buddy", Toni Mosshammer, shares the same opinion: "We have everything we need right on our doorstep." It's no surprise then that they founded the Alpine School Rock'n'Roll together, to share their mountain fever with their guests. Toni came to his actual vocation of state-certified mountain and ski guide in a roundabout way: "In my office job, I sat at my desk every day in a suit and tie and looked longingly out of the window. That's when I realised that I couldn't stay in this cage until retirement, that something had to change." So, he turned his passion into a profession, and together with Guido he helps their guests pave their way to unforgettable mountain experiences and pleasures.
"We embody what we want to sell. People themselves feel that they are thoroughbred mountain folk. We can support people to surpass themselves. The light in their eyes and a genuine smile are among the reasons why we do this job," they both agree. There are more than enough opportunities to let off steam in and around the Wilder Kaiser, as Toni knows: "In Summer, he recommends a climbing tour over the Kopftörlgrat in the Kaisergebirge for fit beginners while, in Winter, an untouched slope is heaven on earth for freeriders. We have the right offer for everyone and adapt the challenges exactly to the respective customer. The magnificent mountain landscape from grassy hills to rugged rocks make it possible." The knowledge of human nature develops naturally, Guido explains: "Some tend to completely overestimate themselves, others underestimate themselves. At the end of the day, what counts is that the guest has a good feeling and gets into the car with a grin. If he then says: 'Guys, we'll see you again soon' - then we've done everything right."
...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: www.gedankenschmiede.at more details