Going up just to come down

For Marco Brandstätter cycling isn’t a sport but rather a philosophy of life: in the Kitzbüheler Alpen mountains he finds his peace and tranquility. A few minutes alone for him in this unique mountain landscape are simultaneously motivation and incentive.

Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter fährt bergauf auf der letzten KAT Bike Etappe c Daniel Gollner© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

Mountain biker on his last few metres to the Harschbichl Alm in St. Johann in Tyrol.

Sun, rain, wind or calm, Marco Brandstätter always prefers a bike to a car or other motor vehicle. Even as a child he would rather be on two wheels than on foot, a passion which hasn’t changed to this day. To this end, he has made his hobby his career. In his bike shop in Kirchdorf in Tyrol his customers can count on the very best of quality service as far as advice, repairs and sales are concerned. Marco is very committed to his roots and naturally to his mountain landscape. “I have grown up in St. Johann and can’t imagine living anywhere else other than in the middle of the Kitzbüheler Alpen. I belong here and that’s that!” Every free minute he has, draws him out and up. Be it a racing, Enduro, Race-Fully, E-Bike, Uphill or Hard-Tail bike – as long as he has two wheels nothing can get in his way of the longed-for “Flow”. “It’s not about beating records or setting new records, no! I cycle just for me – to find peace and tranquility – to escape from everyday life – to come down to earth and just enjoy life.” In Marco’s opinion, a lot of people are unable to do that. The pace of life has become too fast. However, what one loses in the hectic way of life can be reclaimed in the mountains. “There you don’t hear loud sirens wailing or cars racing by ever two seconds. Instead you’re alone with nature and its own rhythm.” That’s what everybody should live by. “For me biking is a lot more than a passing trend - it is a philosophy of life.”

Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter am KAT Bike vorbei an der Stanglalm in St.Johann in Tirol c Daniel Gollner
Mountain biker cycles past the Stanglalm in the direction of the Kitzbüheler Horn.
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter wartet sein Mountainbike auf seinem Arbeitsplatz in St.Johann in Tirol c Daniel Gollner
Marco, the bike hero, services his mountain bike himself.
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter auf dem Harschbichltrail aus der Vogelperspektive c Daniel Gollner
Mountain biker crosses over one of the Northshore elements on the Harschbichl Trail in the St. Johann in Tyrol region
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

Show consideration to others

In Marco’s opinion, you can always learn from ongoing discussions between cyclists and hikers: “I think that if everyone is considerate to each other, both parties can harmonise together side-by-side. However, it is important, and especially for newcomers on the E-Bike scene, that they make themselves familiar with their equipment, complete a skills training course, and don’t set off in a wild frenzy. This way many accidents can be prevented.” Take care and respect each other and the surroundings in which you frequent.

Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter auf der letzten KAT Bike Etappe umgeben von den Kitzbüheler Alpen c Daniel Gollner
Mountain bikers have unobstructed views of the Kitzbüheler Alpen along the mountain bike routes.
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter auf der letzten KAT Bike Etappe von St.Johann in Tirol c Daniel Gollner
Mountain biker on an ascent on the KAT Bike, in the background the Wilder Kaiser mountain range.
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter fährt über ein Northshore am Trail in St.Johann in Tirol c Daniel Gollner
Mountain biker crosses over a Northshore element on a Single trail in St. Johann in Tyrol.
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter unterwegs am Harschbichltrail in St.Johann in Tirol c Daniel Gollner
Bike hero from the region, St. Johann in Tyrol, cycles along the Harschbichl trail.
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie
Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter Vogelperspektive am Harschbichltrail in St.Johann in Tirol c Daniel Gollner
Mountain biker crosses over a wooden bridge on the Single trail in St. Johann in Tyrol.
© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

For all cyclists who want to “cycle” across the Kitzbüheler Alpen, the KAT Bike offers everything the heart desires. On a tour of 170 kilometres there is also a choice: each stage has a varying degree of difficulty, even the legendary Hahnenkamm is included in the route profile. An ingenious programme in Marco’s opinion: “The KAT Bike is ideal for everyone who likes to plan their cycling tours. With pre-booked accommodation and a luggage transport service, cycling tourists can devote their concentration entirely to the landscape and set off without any concerns. Cool Alpine pastures with rustic mountain huts are dotted along the stages, with hot showers, spa areas and the best of regional culinary cuisine awaiting you. For me the route from Mariastein to Fieberbrunn is like a comfortable long-distance cycle route where the fun and experience factor is enormously high. Particularly for tourists, who aren’t as familiar with the area as the locals are, is this type of tour planning ideal.”

Allow time for the route

Kitzbüheler Alpen Hero Bike Marco Brandstätter am Speicherteich vorm Einstieg zum Harschbichltrail am KAT Bike c Daniel Gollner© Daniel Gollner Fotografie

On the KAT Bike tour there are lots of highlights that just have to be seen: “The planned stages are not all about reaching the daily destination by hook or by crook. The routes simply demand attention because numerous places are very inviting to enjoy and linger, getting under your skin and creating memories. Allow yourself time and let your feelings develop. Leisure time should not become stressful – many people rush around too much.” Marco is firmly convinced that this is the right way to be. “People are searching for something personal for themselves again.”

Sabine Ertl

Sabine Ertl

...nurture body and soul. Born 1986 in Carinthia, studied media and communication sciences in Klagenfurt. As a freelance journalist, copywriter and blogger she likes to travel a lot. Mountain freak, horse freak, neo-cellist and gourmet. More details: www.gedankenschmiede.at more details

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